A 29-year-old woman has been arrested and charged after she held up a Bognor Regis pharmacy by demanding medication while carrying a knife and an imitation firearm, Sussex Police has reported.
Megan Hammond of Chestnut Grove in Bognor Regis, West Sussex was arrested yesterday (11 December) and charged with robbery for possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and carrying an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, Sussex Police announced today.
Officers were alerted when an intruder alarm was activated at Kamsons Pharmacy in Durlston Drive, Bognor Regis yesterday at 9.11am, according to Sussex Police.
Kamsons Pharmacy declined to comment at this time.
Ms Hammond entered the pharmacy with a knife and a imitation gun, police said. Although there was no report of any injury following the incident, Sussex Police said that Ms Hammond demanded medication from the pharmacy staff before she left the premises.
Sussex Police refused to comment on whether anything was stolen from the pharmacy during the robbery.
Ms Hammond was remanded in custody until today before appearing at the Crawley Magistrates’ Court.
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