A member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) English Pharmacy Board has announced his resignation.
The departure of Steve Churton, a former RPS president, comes as proposals by the society to become the ‘Royal College of Pharmacy’, with charitable status, are being progressed.
In a statement posted on X, Mr Churton said: ‘It will come as no surprise to the pharmacy profession that I want to see a successfully reformed Royal Pharmaceutical Society to create a Royal College of Pharmacy which drives excellence into all areas of pharmacy practice.
‘This will only come about through a genuine desire to collaborate, and to value and proactively draw upon the experience, expertise and goodwill of members and others who wish to support the necessary changes.
‘If the culture, governance and leadership of an organisation combine to limit the opportunity for you to pursue your commitment to the electorate and the wider profession to advance this objective, you need to take a principled stance and call it out.
‘That is why I have stepped down from the English Pharmacy Board and made clear to the RPS leadership the detailed reasons for my decision.’
He added: ‘I remain delighted that the RPS has eventually recognised the need to propose the necessary changes to its constitution and governance arrangements to deliver the Royal College of Pharmacy that is needed for the future leadership of the profession.’
Mr Churton’s statement concluded: ‘I will absolutely continue to support the cause whenever and wherever I can, and I wish the RPS good fortune on its journey to a more relevant, respected and influential destination.’
Mr Churton was elected to the council of the RPS in 2007 and was appointed president in 2008. His career has also seen him hold several senior roles with Boots, including board director and superintendent pharmacist.
Commenting on the resignation, Paul Bennett, RPS chief executive officer, said: ‘We are sorry to lose Steve‘s experience from the England Pharmacy Board and recognise his contribution to RPS both as a past president and longtime campaigner for the RPS’s ambition to become a Royal College.
‘We know that he is extremely supportive of our proposals for change, and that he was delighted to hear about these when he was elected to the board.
‘We recognise that Steve has strong and committed personal views about our journey to the future and look forward to his continued and valued contribution as a commentator rather than a board member.’
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