In the second of a six-part series, consultancy company Pharmacy Complete give you all the information you need to become a Healthy Living Pharmacy
Five weeks to go: review criteria and gather evidence.
In our second HLP Countdown update, with just 5 weeks to go, we suggest that you need to compare where you are currently against the Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) Quality Criteria to understand where you need to focus your efforts.
Create your HLP plan and begin gathering evidence of your Health Promotion activity - we would suggest the flu service, Stoptober or both.
If you are worried that you are behind, review our HLP Countdown materials and get in touch if you need specific advice and guidance.
Key actions this week:
1. Review where you are now against the HLP Quality Criteria - Part 2. Identify your gaps and focus areas – Resource: HLP Quality Criteria
3. Complete the HLP leader course and finalise your HLP action plan – Resource: HLP Leader Course
4. Discuss your plan with your team, agree and assign actions – Resource: Complete HLP Guide
5. Continue to deliver your flu vaccination service or actively signpost customers and patients to a provider – Resource: Flu Champion Course
6. Set up your in-pharmacy Health Promotion activity and gather evidence
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