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Functional dysPEPSia patients should exercise regularly, say guidelines All patients with functional dysPEPSia (FD) should take regular aerobic exercise, a new UK guideline advises, but specific dietary therapies are not recommended for the condition. FD is a common disorder of gut-brain interaction, aff ... Date: 13-07-2022 Categories: • Nutrition and gastroenterology
Greensill crisis could have led to ‘significant’ pharmacy closures, report says ... rivate finance deal that supported the finances of community pharmacies. The subsequent collapse of Greensill may have put the pharmacy businesses signed up to the Pharmacy Earlier Payment Scheme (PEPS) at risk. A report from The Commons Public Accounts Committee, published today (4 February), said the DHSC admitted that if it had not intervened after Greensill collapsed, a ‘significant number o ... Date: 04-02-2022 Categories: • News
Advance payments brought forward by 20 days as PEPS scheme ends ... re streamlined’ and is part of a wider strategy to better integrate community pharmacy with the NHS, Dukes added. This agreement forms part of discussions over the Pharmacy Earlier Payment Scheme (PEPS), which the Government announced in June would come to an end. Contractors who have been using PEPS will receive the final payment under the scheme on 1 October. A 12-month transition period will ... Date: 27-08-2021 Categories: • News
Spotting acid reflux and what to recommend ... d take care when advising patients with such symptoms to not assume reflux if someone describes indigestion, because the latter condition has a variety of other causes. Similarly, the medical term dysPEPSia is also non-specific and often unhelpful. It is thus always best to focus on what the patient is actually feeling before jumping to any conclusions. Causes of acid reflux[2] The underlying ca ... Date: 28-04-2017 Categories: • Clinical • Latest News • More News • News • Nutrition and gastroenterology
NEWS IN BRIEF: Legal High Addict; NHS Snub; Hot Drink Sugar Levels; Elderly Evictions; Out-of-Hours ... mounts of sugar in some hot drinks sold in High Street cafes, the BBC reports. Campaign group Action on Sugar analysed 131 hot drinks and found a third contained at least as much sugar as a can of PEPSi or Coca-Cola, which contains nine teaspoons. The charity said in some of the worst cases the drinks contained 20 or more teaspoons of sugar. Coffee shop chains Starbucks and Costa said they were ... Date: 17-02-2016 Categories: • News • News in Brief
Herbal help ... Stop taking herbal remedies 14 days before surgery. A. Vogel Herbal Remedies References 1.Fintelmann V, Menssen HG. Recent results of research on artichoke leaf extract with lipid metabolism and dysPEPSia. Dtsch Apoth Dg 1996; 136: 1405. 2. Bundy R et al. Artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymus) reduces plasma cholesterol in otherwise healthy hypercholesterolemic adults: a randomised, double blind p ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • OTC

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