The next Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) should define all adult vaccinations as ‘advanced services’ that are delivered by community pharmacy, according to a report by the think-tank Reform.

The report on vaccine uptake urges NHS England to ‘adopt the same data integration standards applied for antibiotics, blood pressure checks and contraceptive prescriptions to all new vaccination services’.

There are currently nine advanced services within the CPCF that pharmacies can choose to deliver, including adult flu vaccinations, Pharmacy First and the Pharmacy Contraception Service.

Several benefits that community pharmacy offers vaccine delivery are discussed in the Reform report published this week.

‘Early evidence suggests that where pharmacies have been involved in delivering “catch-up” vaccines, such as MMR, this has had a positive effect on rates of uptake,’ it states.

The report also suggests that remuneration for future vaccinations delivered by community pharmacy ‘should better reflect NHS England’s own belief in the “extraordinary power” of immunisation – as well as the cost savings vaccines can generate in other parts of the health system’.

According to the report, there is inadequate real-time data sharing between community pharmacy and general practice regarding individuals’ vaccine status.

This means the potential to carry out ‘opportunistic vaccinations’ – offering vaccinations to people who visit community pharmacies for other purposes – is ’constrained’.

The Company Chemists’ Association (CCA) was interviewed for the report. Malcolm Harrison, chief executive, said the organisation was ‘delighted’ that it recognises the ‘important and growing role’ of community pharmacies in administering vaccines and driving uptake.

‘Reform’s recommendation that the next contractual framework should define all adult vaccinations as “advanced services” is a no-brainer,’ Mr Harrison said.

‘This would make it easier for pharmacies to deliver the vaccinations that patients and the public need.’

Mr Harrison added: ‘We urge the government and NHS England to take this recommendation forward.

‘The CCA believes that community pharmacy could, in time, become the natural home for all adult vaccinations.’

A national vaccination strategy launched by NHS England last year designated community pharmacy as a ‘core’ setting for adult seasonal vaccinations.

This week it was revealed that negotiations are unlikely to restart until September, sparking fresh concerns for pharmacies.