A royal college would be 'the optimum vehicle for the realisation of everyone’s ambitions for pharmacy', the chief pharmaceutical officers (CPhOs) for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland have said in a joint statement.

It comes as the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has responded to the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA)'s objections to its plan to become a royal college.

'Hastily convened': PDA concerns around royal college proposals

Days away from the RPS members' vote on its royal college proposals, the PDA suggested on Friday that the ballot was 'hastily convened' and that the majority of pharmacists did not understand the proposals.

The PDA also warned that the proposals represented 'an irreversible decision' that put the RPS's 'principal objective' of looking after and promoting the interests of pharmacists at risk.

'Extensive period of engagement': RPS responds to PDA objections

Last night, the RPS responded by saying that the proposals had been made 'after an extensive period of engagement' with RPS members and wider stakeholders.

Becoming the 'Royal College of Pharmacy' was 'something many have been calling for over a number of years and the time to act is now', RPS leaders said in an open letter published yesterday.

'Our proposals for change and SRV [special resolution vote] have been put forward following a democratic process during which elected members of Assembly have reviewed, amended and unanimously approved the proposals for change. In addition, colleagues then sitting on the three National Pharmacy Boards emphatically supported the proposals for change and the strengthening of their professional leadership body,' the RPS said.

'Professional independence is a cornerstone of the current RPS and will remain a cornerstone of the future royal college. Providing a strong and respected voice championing pharmacy to government, industry and others will remain central to our work,' it added.

And the RPS leaders urged members and fellows 'to exercise their vote and support the unanimous recommendation of the RPS Assembly members, who together with our National Pharmacy Boards and alongside a wide range of pharmacy stakeholders, are endorsing the proposals for the new Charter and to become the Royal College of Pharmacy'.

'We all need to work together': CPhOs add their voice

In a statement issued this morning, the four national CPhOs also added their voice to the conversation, saying: 'A royal college is the optimum vehicle for the realisation of everyone’s ambitions for pharmacy, underpinned by a genuine process of co-creation and continued collaboration.

'We have arrived at a moment when we all need to work together with trust, openness and mutual understanding so we are able to reap the considerable benefits for all those working in pharmacy and cement our key purpose for patients and our communities. Voting in favour of a Royal College of Pharmacy is a profound step we can take towards this future,' added the CPhOs Andrew Evans, Cathy Harrison, Alison Strath, and David Webb.