In the fifth installment of a six-part series, consultancy company Pharmacy Complete give you all the information you need to become a Healthy Living Pharmacy in just six weeks
Two weeks to go
Just two weeks to go on our Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) Countdown and hopefully you are well on track to achieving all the HLP quality criteria ready to declare by 10th November.
This week you need to think about two key areas - your community engagement plan and taking a close look at your pharmacy environment.
If you need any more specific support with any of the areas covered so far or you are struggling in a particular area, connect with us.
Key actions this week:
- Execute your plan to promote health and wellbeing in your community – outreach activity could be in a school, college, community centre, place of worship, leisure centre or anywhere relevant to your local area and health needs
- Take photographs and gather feedback during your event(s) and record as evidence in your portfolio
- Look at your pharmacy from the outside in through the eyes of your customers
- Take any steps you think necessary to demonstrate that your pharmacy is all about health and wellbeing
- Closely examine your consultation room to ensure it reflects its purpose and that you have all the materials and paperwork you need when providing advice and services – Resource: Championing Health Cards Complete Pack
You can see an overview of the process and what you need to do to get there from our HLP Countdown page.
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