The final version of the economic analysis of community pharmacy is 'nearing completion', pharmacy minister Stephen Kinnock has said.
Mr Kinnock also confirmed that an 'interim report' had been shared with ministers and has 'informed the offer that Community Pharmacy England is currently being consulted on'.
The review, promised as part of the 2022-24 pharmacy contract and commissioned by NHS England, aims to find out the 'full economic costs of delivering NHS pharmaceutical services' and whether NHS community pharmacy businesses are sustainable under the current funding model.
Pharmacies and those representing the sector have been calling on NHS England to publish the review for the sake of transparency in contract negotiations.
Mr Kinnock was asked by Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for health and social care Helen Morgan, 'whether provisional results' of the highly anticipated review, carried out by Frontier Economics, had been shared with him.
Mr Kinnock responded this week: 'Frontier Economics were commissioned to undertake an independent economic analysis of National Health Service pharmacy funding by the previous administration.
'The interim report has been shared with ministers and has informed the offer that Community Pharmacy England [CPE] is currently being consulted on.
'The final project is nearing completion, and will be shared in full with ministers, before being published.'
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