Establishment payments for pharmacies in England will be reduced by 20% from December under the Department of Health’s new funding package.
Pharmacies which currently receive the highest payment of £2,092 a month will see it drop to £1,673.
From next April the payments will fall by a further 40% on current levels when the highest pay will be £1,255 a month.
Pharmacies currently receive £220,000 a year from the NHS including a £25,000 establishment payment which is given to all community pharmacies that dispense more than 2,500 items a month.
Establishment payments currently account for between 80-90% of pharmacy income.
However, following the decrease this funding will be “phased out” completely over “a number of years,” the Government has said.
Instead a performance-based system called the Quality Payment Scheme, worth £75m will replace it.
In their Impact Assessment the DH stated: “There is no reliable way of estimating the number of pharmacies that may close as a result of this policy.”
NHS England also announced that the funding for the pharmacy integration fund will be £42m for 2016-2018.
This will support pharmacy to “develop new clinical pharmacy services, working practices and online support to meet the public’s expectations for a modern NHS,” said chief pharmaceutical officer, Dr Keith Ridge.
By Alice Harrold
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