The suspension of DE Pharmaceuticals’ wholesaling license has been ‘partially lifted’, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has confirmed.
The company – Testerworld Ltd trading as DE Pharmaceuticals – can now recommence trade ‘in a number of medicines categories’, the MHRA said.
The suspension was first imposed on 1 March after an MHRA inspection identified ‘serious deficiencies’ in relation to Good Distribution Practice (GDP), the Pharmacist understands.
A spokesperson for the MHRA confirmed yesterday (27 April) that the suspension of the license had been ‘partially lifted’ following a more recent inspection, and the company will now continue to work with the medicines regulator to address the outstanding issues.
DE Pharmaceuticals said it was unable to comment while in suspension.
This comes after DE Group – of which DE Pharmaceuticals is a subsidiary – was last month removed from the list of suppliers included in government guidance for community pharmacies on securing flu vaccine stock.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) told the Pharmacist at the time that the wholesaler ‘no longer met the needs of the service’ and had therefore been removed from the list.
A DHSC spokesperson said yesterday (27 April): ‘As we have now concluded the supply of flu vaccine for the 2020/21 season the Department has no plans to review the removal of DE Group from the approved supplier list.
‘Arrangements for the 2021/22 flu season have not yet been finalised.’
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