The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has urged pharmacists to request an NHSmail account if they have not done so already.
Having an NHSmail account is one of the criteria pharmacies must meet to qualify for the Quality Payments Scheme – a points-based system whereby pharmacists are given the chance to earn back money they will lose due to funding cuts by meeting certain conditions, such becoming a Healthy Living Pharmacy.
Contractors who want to claim money from the Quality Payments Scheme in April must have evidence that they applied for an NHSmail account by 1 February, so should do so ‘as a matter of priority’ if they have not already, PSNC said.
The negotiator stressed that applying for an account would only take ‘a few minutes’.
For instructions on how to apply for an account, contractors can visit PSNC’s website.
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