LloydsPharmacy’s superintendent pharmacist Professor Steve Howard will retire at the end of this year, after 35 years with the company.
Professor Howard’s successor will be announced ‘in the next few weeks’, LloydsPharmacy said, but he will stay on as a part-time non-executive adviser to Lloyds’ parent company, McKesson UK, to oversee collective clinical standards and governance procedures.
Professor Howard joined LloydsPharmacy as a pharmacy manager, after starting his career as a hospital pharmacist. He is also a fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and serves as a visiting professor at the University of Huddersfield and the University of East Anglia.
Toby Anderson, McKesson UK’s CEO, said: ‘Steve has made a great contribution throughout his career with our business and I would like to say a huge thank you to him for his dedication, service, leadership and professional guidance over the years and in particular during the recent considerable period of change.’
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