Numark has launched a new heart health service across 50 member pharmacies and Rowlands pharmacies in northern England.
The new free service, named Heart Health Check, will provide patients with a cardiovascular risk assessment based on their height and weight measurements, blood pressure readings and a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation.
The service will also give patients their heart-age score and will offer lifestyle advice accordingly, which will include support or signposting to other local health and support services, the pharmacy group explained.
Jeremy Meader, Numark’s managing director, said: ‘By piloting a free health check-up, we hope to actively help curb the increased health risks lockdown restrictions have imposed on the health of the nation.
‘By taking learnings from the pilot over the coming weeks ahead, we also hope to help shape and influence further provision and commission of more local public health services across England.’
He added: ‘Pharmacy is well placed to help manage and reduce the risk of physical health conditions such as heart disease, cholesterol and diabetes. In the wake of the pandemic, pharmacy teams can help play a pivotal role in offering everyday health support.’
The new heart health service, which will begin this week, has been launched following research conducted by YouGov, on behalf of Numark, which revealed that one-third of UK adults feel unhealthier now compared to before the start of the pandemic.
The research, based on the results of a poll of 2,028 UK adults, also showed that three-fifths of people are interested in accessing health checks from a community pharmacy, now lockdown restrictions have eased.
Mark Bather, managing director of Rowlands, said: ‘Our network is committed to offering face-to-face healthcare advice and treatment across all areas of everyday health.
‘We have witnessed first-hand some notable impacts on the nation’s health over the course of this pandemic and will continue to keep our doors open for those looking to seek support and care in restoring good health.’
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