The Government should make sure that community pharmacy 'is much better funded', MP Anna Soubry told the BBC's Question Time last night (May 10).
Ms Soubry - who defected from the Conservative Party to join new party Change UK in February - highlighted 'mistakes...I was critical of at the time' that the Government made in imposing changes to pharmacy 'that have not done the right thing by pharmacists'.
Ms Soubry said these mistakes had been made when she was still part of the Conservative Government, when patients should have instead been encouraged 'take care of their own health' or visit their local pharmacy before booking a GP appointment.
The Broxtowe MP was talking about working conditions for GPs, which she said would improve if the Government recruited more doctors, paid them more and made better use of community pharmacy.
She said: 'Some of it is about conditions, some of it is about recruitment and some of it is making sure that our pharmacies are much better funded.'
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