A toolkit to support pharmacists in the fight against government cuts has been launched by Numark.
The kit includes information on making contact with both the media and MPs, template letters and press releases.
In a letter from Numark’s head office members are warned the funding cut will slash a minimum of 6% from the bottom line profit of pharmacies.
The reduction, that could equate to a minimum of £15,000 profit loss, is also anticipated to increase over the coming years.
Managing director John D’Arcy said: “There are still many unanswered questions raised by the pre-Christmas letter from the Department of Health and we need to see how the situation evolves.
“However, some of our members are keen to take action now as they fear the subsequent threat to their livelihood so, following discussions with contractors we are making these resources available now.
“This kit provides practical support and will help our members take action as well as prepare for the challenges ahead.”
The pharmacy chain has also written to the Minister to voice their concerns but have yet to receive a response.
“We are writing to the Minister and maintaining an open dialogue with pharmacy representative bodies in order to ensure a co-ordinated response to the cuts from across the sector.
“However, our members are more vulnerable to the drop in remuneration than their multiple competitors and they are looking to Numark to provide assistance and leadership at this time,” said D’Arcy.
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