Asda has launched a new earache service for patients aged 18 and over across its 226 pharmacies in England.
The acute otitis media service is priced at £25 and offers same day appointments with an Asda pharmacist.
The supermarket chain said it was ‘designed to provide a quick and accessible option’ for those 18 and over suffering with earache.
Patients will be able to either walk in or book an appointment in store or online, and will be seen by a pharmacist who will examine inside the ear via an otoscope and determine whether they are suffering from acute otitis media.
A pharmacist can then supply prescription drops where appropriate – included within the cost of the appointment – or triage the patient ‘directly to the right place within the NHS’.
Faisal Tuddy, head of pharmacy at Asda, said: ‘We’ve been listening to our patients, and we know that ear health is something many people don’t prioritise until an issue arises, but it’s vital to check your ears regularly.
‘By introducing this service at such an affordable price, we aim to make ear health more accessible for everyone, and help our customers spot any problems before they become more serious.’
Acute otitis media is one of the seven common conditions within England’s Pharmacy First clinical pathways, however it is only available to those aged one to 17.
Last year, The Pharmacist published this guide on diagnosing and treating the condition in line with the Pharmacy First service specifications.
Latest Pharmacy First data suggests that more pharmacies are meeting monthly thresholds for the service because of an increase in seasonal illness, including earache.
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