‘Getting the flu service right will make us ready for a role in Covid vaccinations’
Mimi Lau, chief operating officer, Mr Pickford’s Pharmacy Group, Leicester, speaks to Carolyn Scott about running a flu vaccination service.
Service type: Flu.
Name of pharmacy: Mr Pickford’s Pharmacy Group, ...
Date: 30-10-2020
• Vaccination
NHS England outlines plans to set up pharmacy sites for Covid vaccinations
NHS England has said it is planning to ‘stand up’ some community pharmacy sites for administering Covid vaccines alongside any vaccination programme delivered by general practice.
In a webinar today (18 Novembe ...
Date: 18-11-2020
• News
Pharmacists to deliver flu vaccines to patients aged 50-64 from December
... tant element in the response to the pandemic due to the increased risks for patients who catch both influenza and Covid at the same time. In addition, as other healthcare providers prepare to deliver Covid vaccinations, it is important that pharmacies can take on the additional flu vaccinations needed, to create the capacity required elsewhere in the system.
He added: 'The community pharmacy sector has proven it ...
Date: 20-11-2020
• News • Respiratory
Pharmacy staff to be prioritised for Covid vaccine based on clinical risk
... However, the Professor also noted the JCVI ‘is not a policy-making body’ and that relevant policy will be made by ministers.
In the update, JCVI presented the latest prioritisation list for Covid vaccinations as:
1. Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers
2. All those 80 years of age and over. Frontline health and social care workers
3. All those 75 years of age and over
4. ...
Date: 03-12-2020
• News • Respiratory
Community pharmacy-led sites to start Covid vaccinations ‘from next week’
Community pharmacy-led vaccination sites will start administering the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine ‘from next week’, NHS England’s director for primary care Nikki Kanani has said on Twitter.
In respons ...
Date: 04-01-2021
• News
'Significant numbers’ of Welsh pharmacists likely to administer Covid jabs
... any community pharmacy designated sites have been set up, but deputy director for primary care Dr Nikki Kanani said on Twitter yesterday (4 January) that the pharmacy-led sites would start delivering Covid vaccinations ‘from next week’.
A spokesperson for NHS England told the Pharmacist today: ‘Pharmacies are already working with GPs to deliver the vaccine in many areas of the country and as more supply be ...
Date: 05-01-2021
• News
NHS England lining up 200 pharmacy sites to deliver Covid vaccinations
NHS England is currently assessing 200 pharmacy sites to be used to deliver the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine in the coming weeks, it has confirmed.
NHS England confirmed to the Pharmacist today (7 January) that it is ...
Date: 07-01-2021
• News
Pharmacy staff will be vaccinated by 15 February, health secretary pledges
... blic at a time when Covid-19 pressures across health and care are intensifying.’
It added that all NHS trusts will be established as hubs by mid-January and will be the ‘default provider’ of Covid vaccinations for health and social care staff, including GPs and other primary care staff.
However, local systems ‘may wish to develop alternative local arrangements’, including with GP-run vaccination cen ...
Date: 11-01-2021
• News • Respiratory
Asda in-store pharmacy approved to deliver Covid vaccine
Asda has been commissioned by NHS England to provide Covid vaccinations from an in-store pharmacy in Birmingham, the supermarket chain has announced.
Vaccinations will be administered by pharmacy staff to priority groups from 25 January, it said.
The Birmingham sup ...
Date: 13-01-2021
• News
First pharmacy sites start Covid vaccinations
Four independent pharmacies are among the first pharmacy-led sites to start administering Covid vaccinations today (14 January), NHS England has announced.
Andrews Pharmacy in Macclesfield, Appleton Village Pharmacy in Widnes, Cullimore Chemist in Edgware, and Woodside Pharmacy in Telford have all been a ...
Date: 14-01-2021
• News
Pharmacy sites to start vaccinating over 70s
... to book their vaccination appointments and supporting them with planning such as transport to and from vaccination sites.
Last week, Public Health England (PHE) data revealed the progress on Covid vaccinations so far, with the North East taking the lead.
JCVI priority groups:
residents in a care home for older adults and their carersall those 80 years of age and over and frontline health and social c ...
Date: 19-01-2021
• News
More Welsh Health Boards reach out to pharmacies to assist with Covid vaccinations
Six of the seven Welsh Health Boards have now invited pharmacies to submit expressions of interest in delivering Covid vaccinations, Community Pharmacy Wales (CPW) has said.
It comes after CPW wrote to Wales’ health minister last week (14 January) expressing concern that only one of the Health Boards – Hywel Dda – had so ...
Date: 19-01-2021
• News • Respiratory
Covid vaccination service: 'We've hired two marquees to enable social distancing'
... ng a range of bookable clinics for years. Then Covid came along and all those were put on pause.
I’ve always been a huge advocate for pharmacy, so when the opportunity came up to get involved in Covid vaccinations I thought why should we go in and support GP surgeries when we have trained vaccinators and we have the sites ourselves. I wanted to change the mindset of the public, and our staff, that we are more ...
Date: 27-01-2021
• Vaccination
Independent pharmacy teams up with local university to deliver Covid vaccinations
An independent community pharmacy in West Lancashire has partnered with a local university to set up a Covid vaccination site.
Aspire Pharmacy, part of the Alamaz group, will begin vaccinating eligible patients fro ...
Date: 02-02-2021
• News
Mass vaccination centres ‘not best place’ for Welsh community pharmacists, says CPW
... of vaccinators in the accessible network of community pharmacies,’ Mr Griffiths said.
All seven of the Welsh Health Boards have invited pharmacies to submit expressions of interest in delivering Covid vaccinations, but only a small number have been commissioned so far.
According to CPW, only four pharmacies have been commissioned – all in Betsi Cadwaladr as part of a pilot scheme. Approximately 20 pharmac ...
Date: 04-02-2021
• News
'Being overlooked for Covid vaccinations has disappointed us on a personal level'
Nat Mitchell, pharmacist and director of JWW Allisons Chemist in Cockermouth, says vaccination services are one of his favourite aspects of the job - so it’s been frustrating to be sidelined from the Covid programme ...
Date: 11-02-2021
• Community • Views
Community pharmacies could be key players in an annual Covid vaccine rollout, says study
... eer-reviewed, looked at how community pharmacies could help to deliver the vaccine to the population on a large scale, and offered recommendations for policymakers on how to get pharmacies engaged in Covid vaccinations.
Speaking to the Pharmacist earlier this week (10 February), Dr Ian Maidment, the lead researcher of A rapid realist review of community pharmacy support for the public health agenda during the Co ...
Date: 12-02-2021
• News • Respiratory
Cancer care service: 'We've been helping patients having chemotherapy to access their Covid vaccinations'
... are lots of things we can do to help our patients, depending on what their needs are. For example, during the pandemic I have been helping patients having chemotherapy understand how to access their Covid vaccinations, because they only have a three-day window during their treatment schedule where this is appropriate. I also keep in touch with all my customers having chemo every couple of weeks to see how they are ...
Date: 22-03-2021
• Healthy living
Covid vaccinations: ‘This work has hugely impacted me as a pharmacist’
Sobha Sharma Kandel, senior clinical prescribing pharmacist and co-owner of Woolwich Late Night Pharmacy says she has shared poignant moments with patients attending for their Covid vaccinations
In December 2020, when NHS England first asked for expressions of interest from community pharmacies to run a Covid vaccination clinic, I was enthusiastic and ready to apply. On one weekend my col ...
Date: 22-04-2021
• Community • Views
Patients aged 30-39 to be offered AZ vaccine alternative, JCVI recommends
... aximises use of the wide portfolio of vaccines available.’
It comes as data published on Thursday (6 May) by Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on adverse reactions from Covid vaccinations showed that up until 28 April:
The MHRA had received Yellow Card reports of 242 cases of major thromboembolic events (blood clots) with concurrent thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) in the UK ...
Date: 10-05-2021
• News
Domiciliary Covid vaccination service: 'It's been a massive project but a real privilege'
... es in Lydon Pharmacy Group, and chief officer of Gateshead and South Tyneside LPC, talks to Saša Janković about setting up a domiciliary Covid vaccination service.
Service type: Domiciliary Covid vaccinations.
Name of pharmacy: 22 community pharmacists from South Tyneside.
Name of lead pharmacist: Louise Lydon.
Why did you start offering this service?
We started on 23 January ...
Date: 12-05-2021
• Vaccinations and infections
Travel health: 'The service increases footfall as well as revenue'
... t £600-£700 for the PharmaDoctor PGD.
What, if any, training did you or other team members have to undergo?
We already have vaccination skills as we offer flu jabs and have been doing Covid vaccinations as well. We are Numark members and so were able to access free training from them on how to set up a travel clinic, which was very informative.
In a nutshell, what does the service involve?
Date: 17-05-2021
• Vaccinations and infections
Exclusive: Highland pharmacies first to deliver Covid vaccines in Scotland
... but said that they ‘are asked to support the programme by providing vaccinations by agreement’.
CPS told the Pharmacist that there are ‘no consistent plans’ to use community pharmacies for Covid vaccinations, but there ‘may be certain areas used for other reasons’, including NHS Highland using pharmacies for ‘geographical reasons’.
‘We will continue to engage and should other models elsewher ...
Date: 03-06-2021
• News • Respiratory
NHS England praises community pharmacies for Covid vaccination effort
NHS England has expressed its ‘particular thanks’ to community pharmacies for delivering over five million Covid vaccinations to date.
In yesterday’s primary care bulletin (3 June), Dr Nikki Kanani and Ed Waller, NHS England’s medical director and director for primary care, said the vaccination programme had met ‘a ...
Date: 04-06-2021
• News
Exclusive: Over 600 more pharmacies completed PQS during Covid
... outcome for patients and achieve their targets.
'This sector has shown over and over again that we are here for the NHS. We achieved record number of flu vaccinations, we achieve record number of Covid vaccinations through only a few hundred sites and the list goes on.
'Community pharmacy needs be given the right opportunities, support and recognition because we can be a solution for the healthcare sector.' ...
Date: 15-06-2021
• News
Resurgence of flu expected alongside another winter wave of Covid, warns CMO
... ief medical officer has warned.
He said that a ‘difficult winter’ lies ahead, although it may not reach the pressures felt this year. It comes as studies are underway to assess whether flu and Covid vaccinations can be co-administered later this year.
Speaking earlier this week at the final afternoon of NHS Confederation’s annual conference, Professor Chris Whitty said that after the current wave, he is ...
Date: 18-06-2021
• News
Covid-19 vaccination service: ‘We’ve had really good uptake’
... king with CPW externally so had covered it already.
In a nutshell, what does the service involve?
Our service runs Monday to Wednesday only, as these are the days I’m in the pharmacy.
All Covid vaccinations are booked centrally, so when NHS Wales calls or writes to people to invite them for their jab the system assigns them to this pharmacy if it is their nearest. This means it’s out of our hands, but ...
Date: 07-07-2021
• Clinical Ambassadors • Vaccination
GPs ‘haven’t always been able to understand’ pharmacy, says NHSE as RPS calls for roundtable
... ery PCN. I know that is working better in some places than others.
‘I've heard some really encouraging examples of how community pharmacy and general practice have worked together on Covid vaccinations, on flu vaccinations, on management of various conditions, and I know that in other places the relationship isn't as well developed.
‘For things like the GP referral route through to ...
Date: 09-07-2021
• News
Record-sized flu programme to target 35 million people for vaccinations
... t time last year.
The Department of Health and Social Care said people in clinical risk groups will be eligible, but has not made it clear whether this includes the group of people prioritised for Covid vaccinations due to their clinical risk in relation to coronavirus.
During the 2021/22 season, the full list of those who will be offered the jab is:
all children aged two and three on 31 August 2021all chi ...
Date: 19-07-2021
• Clinical • News • Vaccinations and infections
Covid vaccinations: hard work for high rewards
... ity with your current bank and if you have the time to work on it leading up to vaccinating.
My advice might have put a few of you off getting involved. But, running Covid vaccinations has been one of the most rewarding projects I have worked on in my 25-year pharmacy experience. Here’s why.
Community pharmacy has been crying out for additional c ...
Date: 20-07-2021
• Community • Views
Risk management service: 'It provided insight into patients with greater complexity'
... te a new enhanced Children and Young People’s Mental Health Inpatient Service with 22 inpatient beds, set to open in December 2021.
However, Ashley hasn’t let me off the hook and I'm now doing Covid vaccinations for him two days a week.
Would you recommend offering this service to other contractors?
I would recommend it to any other pharmacists given this opportunity. Working with a great MDT providin ...
Date: 26-07-2021
• Clinical Ambassadors • Healthy living
Pharmacy bodies react to prospect of home flu testing kits
... or England, Professor Chris Whitty, said that a ‘difficult winter’ lies ahead, although it may not reach the pressures felt this year. It comes as studies are underway to assess whether flu and Covid vaccinations can be co-administered later this year.
During a speech at the 2021 National Pharmacy Association (NPA) Conference last month (5 July), pharmacy minister Joe Churchill said that she wanted pharm ...
Date: 09-08-2021
• News
Pharmacists to ‘support’ rollout of school Covid vaccinations
A school-based Covid vaccination programme is to start next week, offering children aged 12-15 years old one dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine, ministers have confirmed.
The programme will be ‘supported’ by comm ...
Date: 14-09-2021
• Clinical • News • Respiratory • Vaccinations and infections
Target for 12-15-year-olds to receive Covid jab by October half-term
NHS England has set out a target for Covid vaccinations of healthy 12-15-year-olds to start within the next week and finish by the October half-term break.
Earlier this week, the Government announced that all 12-15s in England will be offered a first ...
Date: 16-09-2021
• News • Respiratory
Pharmacy staff now eligible for free flu vaccine
... nsense.
‘We are delighted the NHS in England has listened and given parity of access to flu vaccination to frontline pharmacy teams, who have played such a vital role in providing healthcare and Covid vaccinations during the pandemic.
‘We’re also very pleased that locum staff are included in this move. No pharmacist or member of their team should be considered dispensable and left out of this important ...
Date: 30-09-2021
• News
Campaign urges people to book for flu and Covid vaccinations
The Government has today launched a new campaign urging people to come forward for flu and Covid jabs ‘as soon as possible’ when eligible.
It follows a recent survey of 3,000 people that revealed almost one th ...
Date: 08-10-2021
• News
Exclusive: No PQS time extension request despite additional workload
... rmacy, said: ‘[It is] time for PSNC and the NPA to lobby for an immediate time extension for PQS.
‘If NHSE wants pharmacies to take on some of the GP load (GP CPCS, Hypertension, OCMS, Flu and Covid vaccinations) along with the extra workload from the pandemic, staff shortages and Christmas, we need time,’ he said.
Ashley Cohen, pharmacist and managing director of Pharm-Assist, told The Pharmacist: ‘I ...
Date: 27-10-2021
• News
‘Community pharmacy teams should be working together with our general practice colleagues’
... dy stretched sector does not create the increased capacity it requires.
Community pharmacy teams have proved their value during this pandemic. Over 1,300 community pharmacy sites are now providing Covid vaccinations to speed up and maximise uptake. To date over 12 million Covid vaccinations have been performed by pharmacy teams. This year to date, pharmacy teams have vaccinated 30% more flu vaccines that at this ...
Date: 28-10-2021
• Community • Views
Community pharmacists not included in mandatory vaccination policy
... mmunity pharmacists will not be required by law to have two doses of the Covid vaccination, The Pharmacist has learned.
It comes as the health secretary announced today (9 November) that mandatory Covid vaccinations would be introduced for frontline health and social care workers.
Staff who have direct, face-to-face contact with patients while providing care, as well as ancillary staff such as receptionists, ...
Date: 09-11-2021
• News • Respiratory
GPhC 'strongly' urges pharmacy teams to get vaccinated despite it not being mandatory
... nd flu vaccinations at the ‘earliest opportunity’, despite it not being mandatory for the profession.
This comes as the health secretary announced earlier this week (9 November) that mandatory Covid vaccinations would be introduced for frontline health and social care workers, following a month-long consultation.
Staff who have direct, face-to-face contact with patients in a healthcare setting will have u ...
Date: 12-11-2021
• News
Covid vaccination service: 'We're coming up to 100,000 jabs'
... for pharmacy to do and a good business decision – and it’s definitely raised the profile of the pharmacy, especially as a lot of the PCNs local to us have subsequently bailed on offering phase 3 Covid vaccinations.
How much did it cost to set up the service?
As the year has gone one we have made some changes to the building to make the vaccination service distinct from the pharmacy, and there have been ...
Date: 01-12-2021
• Clinical Ambassadors • Vaccination
Almost 300 additional pharmacies recruited to Covid vaccine programme
... cies have been recruited to deliver the Covid vaccine in the last month, NHS England and Improvement (NHSE&I) have said today (6 December).
This means there are 1,300 more pharmacies offering Covid vaccinations compared to February, it also said.
There are currently now nearly 3,000 vaccine sites in the country, according to NHSE&I, suggesting that around half of all sites are run by pharmacies
Date: 06-12-2021
• News
Pharmacists could continue vaccinations at off-site venues beyond the pandemic
... vaccination service for Covid-19 or flu under PGD, to permanently provide that service away from their normal registered premises.
The temporary measure — which has allowed pharmacies to provide Covid vaccinations in off-site locations such as in car parks, sports stadiums, town halls and marquees — was put in place by NHS England and Improvement in August 2020, and is due to end on 1 April 2022.
This fle ...
Date: 09-12-2021
• News
Be 'patient’ with pharmacy teams during Covid vaccination drive
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) president has asked the public to ‘be patient’ with pharmacy teams while they focus on Covid vaccinations over the coming weeks.
Professor Claire Anderson’s comments come after the NHS England told pharmacy teams they can relinquish some pharmaceutical services to increase Covid-19 vaccine delivery. ...
Date: 17-12-2021
• News
Pharmacy-led Covid sites may be asked to vaccinate 5-11s
... having had a third primary dose, should be offered a Covid booster jab.
They should receive 30 micrograms of the Pfizer vaccine no sooner than three months after completing their primary course of Covid vaccinations, it said.
According to the JCVI advice, eligible 5-11 year-olds should be offered two 10 micrograms doses of the Pfizer vaccine with an interval of 8 weeks between the first and second doses.
T ...
Date: 06-01-2022
• News • Respiratory
Legislation to allow pharmacists to vaccinate at off-site venues beyond the pandemic
... plans to make permanent a temporary measure introduced at the height of the pandemic to maintain the pace and scale of the vaccine rollout.
The measure — which has allowed pharmacies to provide Covid vaccinations in off-site locations such as in car parks, sports stadiums, town halls and marquees — was put in place by NHS England and Improvement in August 2020, and was due to end on 1 April 2022.
There a ...
Date: 28-01-2022
• News
Large increase in unsafe staffing levels in pharmacies, PDA suggests
... eral flow test supply was patchy around the country, some pharmacy staff faced ‘unfair’ and ‘abusive’ behaviour by customers who are unable to pick up testing kits.
Some pharmacies proving Covid vaccinations were targeted by anti-vaccination groups, which included vandalism and threats of legal action.
Date: 01-03-2022
• News
Over half of GPs do not think they should be ‘main providers’ of Covid vaccines
A majority of GPs have said they do not think they should be the ‘main providers’ of Covid vaccinations, a new survey has revealed.
The research – conducted by The Pharmacist’s sister publication Pulse – which surveyed 761 GPs in England, revealed that 53% believe GPs should not be the m ...
Date: 15-03-2022
• News • Respiratory
Community pharmacies to do ‘majority’ of Covid vaccinations in 5-11 age group
... unosuppressed – and each dose at least four weeks after any Covid infection.
This comes as The Pharmacist reported that the majority of GPs believe they should not be the ‘main providers’ of Covid vaccinations.
Date: 05-04-2022
• News
Spring Covid booster programme reaches three million
... it up – it has always been, and remains, our best defence against Covid.’
Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said 'excellent progress’ has been made on the latest rollout of Covid vaccinations, and that the ‘the wall of defence provided by vaccines is allowing us to live with this virus and get back to doing the things we’ve missed.’
People aged 75 and over, older adult care ...
Date: 09-05-2022
• Vaccinations and infections