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The lowdown on legal highs ... isk with pre-existing hypertension or heart condition. Piperazines can in rare cases cause a serotonin syndrome which can be fatal. Piperazines are used in industry to make plastics, resins and brake fluids, among other things.7 Synthetic cannabinoids Mimic the effects of THC, the chemical found in cannabis and are sprayed onto a mix of inert, base plant products and smoked. They are also known as ... Date: 29-04-2009 Categories: • OTC
Sound advice for seasonal sneezes ... eroid sprays look set to remain the lynchpin of treatment, other exciting new options are emerging. Most promising among these is GlaxoSmithKline's Avamys - an enhanced affinity 'furoate' form of the fluticasone steroid found in Flixonase. Importantly for sufferers, Avamys is the first steroid nasal spray to demonstrate consistent efficacy in relieving both nose and eye symptoms of hay fever. In clin ... Date: 01-05-2009 Categories: • Top Features
Spread the protection message ... little ones without weighing mum down. Beiersdorf UK, tel: 0121 329 8800. La Roche-Posay is launching Anthelios spray SPF50 for Sun Intolerant Skin, which is fragrance and paraben-free with an ultra fluid, fresh texture. Cosmetique Active, tel: 020 8762 4030. Vichy's Capital Soleil range has new adult Multi-Position Spray SPF30, Renovated Hydra-Milk Body SPF50+ and Hydra Cream Face SPF50+ - all frag ... Date: 01-05-2009 Categories: • OTC
Understanding nocturnal enuresis ... t it is not the child's fault - nor their own - and that their child will almost certainly grow out of it in time. You may wish to consider recommending the following hints and tips: Do not restrict fluids. A child should have about eight drinks over the course of the day, which should include three drinks at school. Suggest that they avoid lots of fizzy drinks, tea, coffee and artificial sweeteners ... Date: 01-05-2009 Categories: • OTC
Vascular risk assessment - a new local enhanced service ... holesterol and glucose. PSNC identified vascular risk assessment (VRA) as a target service for community pharmacy provision in 2006 and has been lobbying the Department of Health (DH) and other key influencers to ensure inclusion of pharmacy within government plans. In January 2008, the Prime Minister announced the government's intention to shift the focus of the NHS towards empowering patients and p ... Date: 01-05-2009 Categories: • Services
Men and pharmacists: never the twain shall meet? ... ich will take even the most over worked male pharmacist to the height of ecstasy, even more than selling a crate load of Cab Drivers Cough Linctus to the Department of Health when they run out of Tamiflu. All a man has to do is click on the right button, give his credit card details and bingo, a pack of sildenafil knocked up in a cement mixer previously used to mix three of sand and one of cement pop ... Date: 11-05-2009 Categories: • OTC
Bringing woundcare closer to home ... and quickly as possible. The body’s own physiological response to a skin trauma is to form a protective scab, a firm crust of coagulated blood over the injured area, to protect it against external influences. However, several factors are known to compromise the body’s innate ability to heal wounds, among which are the type and amount of bacteria present in the wound, and the type and location of the ... Date: 12-05-2009 Categories: • OTC
DIY facelift ... drab on skin. Opt for brighter shades instead. Every woman should have three shades of shadow. A light base colour, a medium colour for the lower lid, and a dark colour to use as liner. Add a pretty flush to cheeks with two shades of cream blush. Start with a neutral shade to warm up skin, then layer on a brighter shade for a pop of colour. Charmaine Yabsley has over 13 years experience in writing ... Date: 13-05-2009 Categories: • OTC
A closer look at dry eye syndrome ... layer of the tear film is derived from the meibomian glands, embedded within the eyelids. The gland ducts open on the eyelid margin. The lipid layer serves to reduce evaporation of underlying aqueous fluid in the open eye. Abnormalities in the secreted lipids result in increased evaporation of tears. The aqueous layer of the tear film is produced by the lacrimal gland, beneath the upper eyelid. This ... Date: 29-04-2010 Categories: • OTC
Sensitive teeth ... -surgical treatment. The most widely accepted theory of the mechanism of pain production is the hydrodynamic theory proposed by Brännström (1966). This theory states that stimuli increase the rate of fluid flow through the dentinal tubules which in turn activate nerve fibres in the pulp. In support of this theory, it has been demonstrated that hypersensitive dentine has a greater number of widened de ... Date: 13-05-2010 Categories: • OTC
Ensuring peace of mind when dispensing unlicensed medicines ... heir supplier has the right licenses, knowledge and expertise in supplying the product. Virazole Virazole (ribavirin) has antiviral inhibitory activity in vitro against respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus and herpes simplex virus. The injectable form of the product is unlicensed as an acute treatment for patients with vulnerable immune systems which can be life threatening, and has been supp ... Date: 13-05-2010 Categories: • Services
A.Vogel ... a wide range of minor self-limiting conditions and include Echinaforce® Echinacea drops and Dormeasan® Valerian-Hops oral drops.Our founder, Alfred Vogel, realised decades ago that many factors can influence the quality of the herbal product you use. Unlike conventional medication, herbal products available can exhibit considerable differences in quality, depending on a number of factors. For herbal ... Date: 19-11-2010 Categories: • Company Profiles
Sound advice for seasonal sneezes ... eroid sprays look set to remain the lynchpin of treatment, other exciting new options are emerging. Most promising among these is GlaxoSmithKline's Avamys - an enhanced affinity 'furoate' form of the fluticasone steroid found in Flixonase. Importantly for sufferers, Avamys is the first steroid nasal spray to demonstrate consistent efficacy in relieving both nose and eye symptoms of hay fever. In clin ... Date: 05-08-2011 Categories: • U.S.
Build your network and get commissioned ... ve, relationship-building conversation with just one person each day. Take a moment now and ask yourself the following questions: Who is responsible for the commissioning decisions in my area? Who influences their decision making process? Who do I need to get to know? Who do I already know who could connect me with them? What message do I need to communicate to them? How can I reach them at a time a ... Date: 07-10-2011 Categories: • Pharmacy Practice
Harnessing pharmacists' potential in medicines management Incentives within the reimbursement system will influence the behaviour of professionals. A senior Scottish pharmacy official is quoted as saying that: “medicine supply is the sacred cow of the community pharmacy sector. Technology will lead that approa ... Date: 07-10-2011 Categories: • Pharmacy Practice
Using NICE guidelines to manage childhood constipation ... toilets, parents might plan breakfast earlier, enabling the child to use the toilet at home before they leave for school. Dietary improvement Constipation can often be relieved by increasing dietary fluid and fibre. The child will need to see other family members eating the same sort of food or they will, understandably, view the enforcement of this type of diet as a punishment with predictably nega ... Date: 11-10-2011 Categories: • Services
Surviving in the brave new world ... gths when face to face with customers, will all help build perception and improve your image. And don’t forget the importance of good front of shop presentation. Don’t neglect your other, even more influential, ‘front of shop’ – your website. Believe it not, this will become the most important part of your business within five years. It needs to be packed with information and, most important of all, ... Date: 11-10-2011 Categories: • Pharmacy Practice
Managing childhood infectious diseases ... to deafness, heart disease and eye defects, amongst other possible problems. Other infectious diseases which have been virtually eliminated by vaccination in recent years include polio, haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), meningitis C and pneumococcal pneumonia. Vaccination is also provided against tetanus and against human papilloma virus, two strains of which are involved in the development of cer ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • OTC
Delivering better oral health in pharmacy ... rovided for all patients to maintain good oral health, along with supportive evidence for each statement. The main sections include advice on: Principles of toothbrushing for oral health; Increasing fluoride availability; Healthy eating advice; Identifying sugar-free medicines; Improving periodontal (gum) health; Stop smoking guidance; Assessing alcohol misuse; Prevention of tooth enamel erosion. M ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • OTC
Herbal help ... them. Then there are some herbs that can help tackle issues for which there may not be real solutions in the mainstream pharmacy armoury. Customer 1 – Menopause A menopausal woman, suffering from hot flushes and night sweats that badly disrupt her sleep at night and sap her confidence during the day. She can’t take HRT because she has a history of cardiovascular problems. Sage has a long history of u ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • OTC
Removing ear wax ... ial and fungal growth. There is a natural mechanism that allows old skin and wax to migrate out of the ear. This often doesn’t succeed and the result is wax buildup. Most ear cleaning systems rely on flushing out the ear, attempts to dissolve the wax or mechanically remove the wax. Ear buds have been on the market for years and are used to mechanically remove the wax by sweeping the bud around the in ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • OTC
Lower respiratory tract infections ... cribed as consolidation) is observed in patients with pneumonia, but is clear in acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis The main causes of acute bronchitis are respiratory viral infections, such as influenza B, influenza A, parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Influenza outbreaks result in significant morbidity and rapidly spread in the general population, causing symptoms such as mya ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • Clinical • Services • Vaccinations and infections
A guide to Parkinson's disease ... m. On top of the physical symptoms, the loss of skills and ability to do every-day things that most of us take for granted can make Parkinson’s a frustrating and isolating condition. Parkinson’s is a fluctuating condition – meaning that symptoms can vary and change at any time. A person with Parkinson’s can look and seem well one day and not the next, and symptoms can vary from day to day, or even fr ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • Services
Treating dry eye syndrome ... n reading, watching television or using a computer; Contact lens discomfort or intolerance; Excessive mucus discharge; Watery eyes; Eyes easily irritated by smoke; Sensitivity to light (photophobia); fluctuating vision; Blurred vision, particularly first thing in the morning and/or late in the day; Eyelids ‘stick shut’ at night; Eyelids feel ‘heavy’. Causes Dry eye syndrome has a wide range of caus ... Date: 12-10-2011 Categories: • Services
Regenovex® Capsules ... psules is a joint care supplement designed to help maintain the health of joints. Its unique and technically advanced formulation combines Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and Bionovex® oil. The role of synovial fluid is to lubricate and cushion joints as part of normal daily functioning. HA is a key component of cartilage and synovial fluid, which lubricates and cushions joints. As we age (over 40) our body pro ... Date: 15-03-2012 Categories: • Products
“Make every contact count”, says Future Forum ... armacy’s valuable role, but warned that a “radical shift” in pharmacy funding is required to turn these recommendations into reality. Numark welcomed pharmacy’s recognition as a potential behaviour influence opportunity, but warned that tact, diplomacy and common sense should prevail. Date: 03-05-2012 Categories: • Pharma Industry News
Leading the way in Wales ... ommunity pharmacy to health in Wales. It is anticipated that the report will contain several recommendations to the Minister for Health and Social Services and will have the potential to inform and influence future government policy on pharmacy service developments in Wales. Bringing pharmacists together The Welsh Government announced in March that a new scheme designed to provide easy access to advi ... Date: 08-05-2012 Categories: • Pharmacy Practice
The independent challenge ... the heart of the community. It was not the GPs that people turned to for advice and medicine, but to those who were the providers of the preparations that would make them better. As time rolled by, influenced by the Victorians and the Industrial Revolution, pharmacists became the first place that people went to for advice. When I speak to my parents’ generation, their attitude is that the chemist is ... Date: 09-05-2012 Categories: • Pharmacy Practice
Storing heat sensitive medicines ... . Drug manufacturers recommend storage between 2°C and 8°C, with potential loss of potency and reduced shelf life if product is stored outside this range. The temperature inside a domestic fridge can fluctuate between 0 and 10°C and the only control of that temperature is generally a dial marked one to five, with five being the coldest setting. Without introducing an external thermometer to capture t ... Date: 09-05-2012 Categories: • Pharmacy Practice
Summer health ... ealth Organisation as first-line therapy. They have demonstrated superiority to antihistamines for all nasal symptoms, and equivalence for ocular symptoms4. Current OTC options include beclometasone, fluticasone and triamcinolone, although there is little difference in efficacy between the intranasal corticosteroids and clinical evidence does not support the use of one over another. Intraocular medic ... Date: 09-05-2012 Categories: • OTC
Shades apart ... a burn. Asians who suffer from conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis are also more likely to be affected. Factors such as pregnancy or taking the pill can cause the body’s oestrogen levels to fluctuate, which can trigger the melanocyte cells to go into overdrive and produce stubborn splotches, known as melasma around the forehead, cheeks and mouth. Pigmentation fading tips The best way to min ... Date: 09-05-2012 Categories: • OTC
How to maintain healthy joints ... people at risk of developing osteoarthritis. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a polysaccharide found naturally in the body in a wide range of tissues, including cartilage, and is a major component of synovial fluid, the naturally occurring lubricant found in the joints. HA has a variety of functions in the joint, restoring lubrication, providing cushioning, allowing movement and helping to maintain the health ... Date: 10-05-2012 Categories: • OTC
Pharmacy management of dry eyes ... d up to 3,000 times its own weight in water. It is found in many parts of the body including the joints and the eyes, where it mimics the natural tear film. It greatly reduces evaporation and, hence, fluid loss from the eyes. TSP is a naturally-occurring muco-adhesive polymer which produces a visco-elastic solution. Its chemical structure is similar to mucins – important proteins on the eye’s surface ... Date: 10-05-2012 Categories: • OTC
Pharmacists urged not to overstock flu medication Pharmacists are being asked to not overstock antiviral medicines despite figures showing flu cases to be at their highest for three years. Excessive ordering of medicines such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) could lead to shortages in the supply chain, said chief medical off ... Date: 12-01-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief • Pharmacy Practice • Primary care update
“Overwhelming trust” in community pharmacists ... hs. The majority visited a national chain or supermarket with 40% visiting an independent pharmacist. Less than one in ten people said they would contact a pharmacist when requiring information about flu vaccines compared to 76% who said they would contact their GP or GP surgery. More than 60% of those seeking advice on medicines would contact their GP, but 40% would consider pharmacists their main s ... Date: 14-01-2015 Categories: • News • Pharmacy Practice • Practice and policy • Primary care update
Universal flu vaccine predicted within decade   A universal flu vaccine could become a reality within the next seven years. New research has found a new class of antibodies that are capable of neutralising a wide variety of influenza viruses. The universal va ... Date: 19-01-2015 Categories: • Medical Trials • News • News in Brief
Nexium now available over the counter Nexium Control tablets are now available for general sale. Previously only available on prescription, the tablet for reflux symptoms in adults, has been reclassified by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.  Antacids have traditionally been the over the counter medicine of choice for heartburn, working ... Date: 02-02-2015 Categories: • News • OTC • Pharmacy Practice
What does the future hold for pharmacy? ... layed, with pharmacists struggling to be seen on a level footing with their primary care peers. One chair told me pharmacists in his patch had to "toe the line" according to the direction of his GP-influenced clinical commissioning group. It would be crass to assume this is happening in every area but there is clearly something holding back pharmacists from being able to prove their worth. As I sa ... Date: 19-02-2015 Categories: • Views
New drug driving laws could catch people out ... und to have taken these drugs without a prescription, they could face prosecution. The full list of prescription drugs are with driving limits are: clonazepam (50 µg/L) diazepam (550 µg/L) flunitrazepam (300 µg/L) lorazepam  (100 µg/L) methadone 500 µg/L morphine or opiate and opioid-based drugs (80 µg/L) oxazepam (300 µg/L) temazepam (1000 µg/L) The laws will include eight il ... Date: 20-02-2015 Categories: • News • Practice and policy
NEWS IN BRIEF: Pharmacists in the spotlight; flu; Epilepsy; Inspections; Boots ... @rob_darracott & Raj Radia of @candhlpc discuss how community pharmacy can do more for public health @R_S_P_H — Pharmacy Voice (@PharmacyVoice) October 28, 2015 Frequent flu questions answered Following a number of queries on the flu Vaccination Advanced Service, the PSNC have released answers to the frequently asked questions. Here are some flu Service FAQs by #PSNC ... Date: 29-10-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief • Uncategorised • Views
NEWS IN BRIEF: Integration; Stay Well This Winter; Challenges ahead; Smoking; Rotamol; Dementia ... tle law firm Clarke Mairs LLP to help seal the deal on Streatham Hill Pharmacy. The sale marks another success for Tim Clarke, partner at Clarke Mairs, who said the past few months have seen an “influx of pharmacy clients”. Healthy lifestyles halt dementia Encouraging patients to lead a healthier lifestyle could delay the onset of dementia, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellen ... Date: 30-10-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief • Views
NEWS IN BRIEF: Jabbers; Pharmacy2U; Lung cancer; East Trees; FGM flu jabbers not to be sniffed at Following the fantastic results of the national pharmacy flu vaccination to date, the PSNC have spoken to pharmacists to find the secrets of their success. Current ... Date: 02-11-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief • Views
Community Pharmacy Improving the Public's Health in England: Keynote Address ... g antimicrobial resistance and achieving a year-on-year decline in TB incidence. These are underpinned by core values: health equality, mental health and community-centred approaches. We cannot influence or improve health by using a top-down approach, it has never worked and it will not work. Public Health England's vision is for a future with pharmacy teams fully integrated into local primary c ... Date: 06-11-2015 Categories: • News • Uncategorised
Weekly Feature: Coronary Heart Disease - Heart of the Matter ... manent damage to the heart muscle can ensue, and the incident can be fatal if not treated promptly. Heart failure results from the heart becoming too weak to effectively pump blood around the body. fluid may build up as a result, often in the lungs making it difficult to breathe, and also around the ankles causing swelling. Heart failure may be acute or chronic. Not everyone with CHD has one of ... Date: 09-11-2015 Categories: • News
NEWS IN BRIEF: Ask Your Pharmacist; EPS; Malnourishment; Dickies; BBC ... esenter Sally Naden broadcast part of the morning show, featuring discussions on weight management, infection control and keeping warm, from Linda’s pharmacy in Baxenden. Cathryn also gave Sally a flu vaccination live on air – you can watch the session as it happened below. Our brave little Sally soldier gets a flu jab live on air. Posted by BBC Lancashire on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 ... Date: 09-11-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief
NEWS IN BRIEF: Menopause; flu Jabs; Urgent Care; Medical Centre; BHF ... ver NICE NHS menopause guidance to be announced later this week — LaurenceVick (@LaurenceVick) November 10, 2015 Thousands of patients risking their health by ‘shunning’ flu jab at GP Surgeries Thousands of patients in England could be risking their health by not having the seasonal flu vaccine, according to figures released by the Royal College of General Practitione ... Date: 12-11-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief
NEWS IN BRIEF: Winter Crisis; flu Jabs; MP; Misuse of Drugs; Devo Manc ... 2, 2015 #NHS faces worst winter crisis in years because of Tory funding shortfall' — GBCommunicationsPR (@GBCPRNews) November 12, 2015 Pharmacists concerned about low flu jab uptake Concern about the low uptake of flu vaccinations at GP surgeries has been echoed by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Pharmacy Voice and the Pharmaceutical Society Negotiating Com ... Date: 13-11-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief
NEWS IN BRIEF: Recruitment to GPs; flu jabs; HLPs; Prescribing costs; Homeopathy ... id: “Joint working between pharmacists and GPs has the potential to have major benefits for both patients and clinical professionals. This pilot will be a win-win for GPs, pharmacists and patients.” flu jabs in pregnancy protects mothers and babies Pregnant women are being urged to accept free flu jabs this winter to help protect themselves and their unborn babies from the virus. Last winter j ... Date: 16-11-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief
NEWS IN BRIEF: GP Pilot Funding; Celebrities; Bladder and Bowel Guidance; Pharmacy Voice ... es for people living with bladder and bowel problems Visit — B&BF (@BBFinfo) November 16, 2015 Pharmacy Voice responds to claims patients have been inappropriately influenced Pharmacy Voice has responded to recent claims that patients have been inappropriately influenced by healthcare professionals when opting where to receive their prescriptions and flu jabs. ... Date: 17-11-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief
NEWS IN BRIEF: Dispensing; Antibiotics; HPV; Antibiotic Resistance ... plained by extra bacterial infections. The charity has said the increase could not be explained by extra bacterial infections and it more likely to result from doctors handing out pills for colds and flu. Heat maps show 'antibiotic surge' — BBC Health News (@bbchealth) November 18, 2015 Call to extend HPV vaccine to all men The Royal Society for Public H ... Date: 19-11-2015 Categories: • News • News in Brief

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